Jeopardy! Contestants Stumped by Simple Prayer Question
“Jeopardy!” is known for testing the knowledge of its quick-witted contestants, leaving most home viewers in awe. However, a recent episode featured a simple clue about the Lord’s Prayer that left all three contestants stumped, shocking many Christian fans.
The Surprising $200 Clue
During the June 13 episode, host Mayim Bialik read a $200 clue—the lowest and often easiest on the board—in the category “Dadjectives.” The clue referenced Matthew 6:9: “Our Father Which Art In Heaven, This ‘Be Thy Name.’” The correct response was “hallowed,” as found in the Lord’s Prayer.
Fans React to the Missed Answer
For many viewers, especially those familiar with the Lord’s Prayer, the contestants’ failure to answer was astonishing. One Twitter user wrote, “Not one contestant on Jeopardy last night knew the answer to this… Are you waking up yet?” Others shared similar sentiments, comparing the prayer’s familiarity to that of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mixed Reactions on Social Media
Some viewers took the moment as a sign of changing times and attitudes in the U.S., while others were simply shocked that none of the contestants knew the answer. Even an atheist Twitter user chimed in, stating they knew the correct response. Another viewer humorously referenced the Iron Maiden song “Hallowed Be Thy Name,” expressing surprise at the contestants’ lack of knowledge.
Why Did They Get Stumped?
While many were puzzled by the missed clue, some speculated that the contestants may have chosen not to risk losing points due to their low scores. It’s also worth noting that Jeopardy! frequently features questions on Christianity, and contestants often answer correctly—even on difficult biblical topics.
A Broader Perspective
Jeopardy! attracts contestants from all backgrounds and beliefs, making it possible that the three competitors did not grow up in Christian environments. Despite the missed prayer question, they performed better with the Final Jeopardy clue, which asked about the top two bestselling soundtracks of 1978. The correct response was “Travolta, John” (referring to Grease and Saturday Night Fever). Suresh Krishnan, the reigning champ, extended his winning streak to six games.
What’s Your Take?
What do you think about the contestants missing such a familiar prayer? Share your thoughts on this surprising moment!