Runner Denies Intentional Baton Strike Amid Viral Controversy
A high school track runner accused of striking a competitor with a baton during a championship race insists it was accidental. The incident, which occurred at the Virginia State High School League Championships, quickly went viral.
The Incident
During the race, Alaila Everett appeared to hit Kaelen Tucker on the back of the head with her baton, causing Tucker to stumble and leave the track. She was later diagnosed with a concussion and a potential skull fracture.
Everett’s Defense
Everett denies any wrongdoing, telling WAVY-TV 10: “After a couple times of hitting [Tucker] with my baton, I got stuck behind her back like this and it rolled up her back. I lost my balance, and when I pumped my arms again, she got hit.” She emphasized, “I know my intentions and I would never hit somebody on purpose.”
Legal and Organizational Response
Despite her defense, Everett faces an assault and battery misdemeanor charge. The Virginia High School League and Portsmouth NAACP are reviewing the case. The NAACP also condemned racial slurs and threats against Everett, stating she is “an exceptional young leader and scholar” who deserves due process.