Have you ever seen the letters WC on a sign outside a public restroom and thought about what they stand for?
Many people everywhere are also trying to figure out the mystery of the WC, which is a place that has a toilet and a sink. You’re definitely not the only one!
And while we’ll offer you an explanation of the WC, we can’t promise the term will make anymore sense than restroom, bathroom or loo…
In 2020, a couple named Shelby and Dylan posted a TikTok video that showed a big difference in the way some Americans and Canadians handle their business.
“What in the world is a washroom?” asks Dylan as he walks by sign that says “washroom.”
“What are they cleaning in there? Oh, it’s just a bathroom. The only thing I ever wash in there is my hands,” he says to his wife.
Off-camera, Shelby can be heard asking: “Do you rest in a restroom?”
“That’s a good point. They both don’t make much sense,” Dylan adds.
Many people online started sharing their thoughts in the comments about what name they like best for the special room.
“It’s called a bathroom, restroom, washroom and toilet,” offers one user.
A second follower said when they were visiting Disneyland, they “asked for the washroom” and they “sent me to the laundromat!”
A third adds, “Wait ‘til he finds out about water closets.”
Water closet
The term “water closet,” as defined by Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary, is a noun that refers to “a small room or space that has a toilet” or “the toilet bowl and the things that go with it.”
A long time ago, when people went to the bathroom, it was mostly to take a bath. And if someone went to the restroom, it was usually to relax or prepare for the day by using the sink and looking in the mirror.
Lastly, if you needed to go potty, you would use the toilet in the water closet.
In different parts of the world, the room with the toilet is called by many names. Some people refer to it as the loo, while others might say restroom, bathroom, washroom, lavatory, or even WC.

These days, you can frequently spot signs that say WC in places like airports, restaurants, and hotels. It’s simply another term for “restroom” or “bathroom,” but it tends to be used in a more formal way, especially in locations that serve people from all over the world.
History of the WC
Before the 1800s in America, having an indoor toilet was something only rich people could afford. Most folks had to use outhouses or other outdoor places when they needed to go. Even though many homes had “bathrooms” for taking baths, they usually didn’t have toilets in them. It wasn’t until the late 1800s that indoor plumbing became common, especially with the introduction of the water closet around 1890. These bathrooms had toilets set apart from the areas for bathing.
It wasn’t until the early 20th century that the modern bathroom, combining both bathing facilities and toilets into one integrated space, became common.
Combining toilets and bathtubs in one room is a smart way to save space and make plumbing easier. However, this setup can make it less private, which is a problem in places where people share the bathroom.
The phrase “water closet” has changed over time to mean a small, private room in a bigger bathroom that is just for the toilet. These water closets usually have a tiny sink for washing hands, which makes them handy and all-in-one.

People on Reddit were trying to figure out why we call a public restroom a “bathroom” when there’s no bath in it. They shared their thoughts in a post titled, “Why is a public WC called bathroom if there is [no] bath?”.
Responding to the message, a Redditor writes, “Americans might similarly ask: ‘Why is it called a WC (water closet) if it isn’t even a closet?” the comment continues to explain that a “bathroom” or “restroom” is the “preferred US euphemism for ‘room with toilet,’ whereas other places use ‘WC,’ ‘lavatory,’ ‘loo’ etc.”
In Russian, they say it’s “a room without windows” even if there is a window, one person explains. Another person chimes in, saying that in Esperanto, it’s called necesejo, which means “necessary place.”
Meanwhile, other Redditors discussed washroom versus bathroom and restroom.
A user online mentioned, “In Canada, they often say Washroom,” while another person added, “I live in the Midwest, and we use washroom a lot too. But I think bathroom or restroom are the most popular terms.”
“Best one, I think. You should be washing in there,” adds another. “…not resting.”
What do you think about bathrooms, and what do you usually call the room that has a toilet? We’d love to hear your opinions, so please share them with us and pass this along to others so we can get more responses!