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“I Installed Cameras in My Mom’s House — What I Discovered Shocked Me”

When I noticed that goods were going missing from the house where my sick mother lived, I made the decision to install covert cameras throughout the house. The video that I was able to record left me in a state of astonishment, and it is the story of the day.

Even without having to deal with my sister, taking care of my mother was already a difficult task. Having to deal with my sister was additionally demanding. In the wake of the disappearance of goods, charges were leveled against this individual. Even though I was under the assumption that I knew who was to blame, the reality shook my world. I was under the impression that I knew who was to blame. As a result of being deceived in the most unexpected manner, I began to question the dependability of everyone and everything in which I had placed my trust.

After yet another rigorous workweek, I cleaned the kitchen counter, and the air was filled with the subtle aroma of bleach. I was able to clean the counter without wasting any time.

My frustration with my younger sister, Jane, increased in proportion to the length of time I spent cleaning the house that belonged to my mother. I spent a greater amount of time purging her home. On the surface, it seemed as though she had entirely lost track of the fact that this was also her mother.

As far as Jane was concerned, this was not something that was out of the norm. An example of her dangerous behavior is that she took money from her mother’s pocketbook, skipped lessons, and ran away from school. All of these actions were examples of her inappropriate behavior. In spite of this, she was never disciplined for the actions that she took.

Despite the fact that Jane had some shortcomings, it seemed as though her intelligence compensated for them. She became the most golden child in the family as a result of her high level of academic accomplishment and the scholarship that she was awarded.

Jane started going to see her mother only when she was in need of something, or possibly to remind her of her presence in order to make sure that she would be included in the will. From that point on, Jane never went to see her mother again. During this interim period, I was required to confront the illness that my mother was experiencing.

Despite the fact that Nancy was the caregiver that I had selected, I was unable to fulfill my obligation to provide her with a full-time income. I had to take care of my mother on my own after working long shifts, and I was responsible for her.

Whenever I begged Jane for aid, she would ignore me and my demands. She would not help me. To put it another way, she was expressing that “Work keeps me busy.”

However, I was aware that she had been jobless for a considerable amount of time, which was a number of months. In addition to being supported by a husband and having a career, I was also essential for the well-being of my son.

A phone call came from Mom, who was in her room. “The Violet!” she exclaimed. When she spoke, she did it in a hurried manner, almost as if she were experiencing terror. Come on, Violet, let’s get rolling!

After returning the phone, I used a dish towel to clean my hands before returning it. I then said to my mother, “Mom, I’m going with you!” Upon entering her bedroom, I saw her standing next to her dresser. She was in a position to observe me. While she was doing so, she was holding her jewelry box in her hand.

The following thing that she said was, “My gold earrings are gone.” As she proceeded, her voice was cracking.

Are you absolutely certain that you did not put them in a different area during the time that you were gone? Now that I was getting closer, I asked about it.

No, it is not. The statement that Mom made was that “it has been quite some time since I have handled this box.” Nevertheless, despite the fact that the earrings were no longer there when I opened the box, I still wanted to offer you something that is not only special but also something that you would cherish.

Is there anyone who might be present at this moment? A scowl appeared on my face as I inquired.

No, it is not. According to what I overheard my mother saying, “Nancy had the day off.” Jane was the only person who came to visit during the early hours. To put it another way, she was curious about how I was experiencing my life.

The response that I gave was, “I’ll inquire about it with Jane.”

“Do not,” Mom’s voice was loud and insistent. It seems inconceivable that Jane would consider stealing. It is not in my best interest for the two of you to get into another altercation.

“I will refrain from taking any risks,” I indicated to myself. “I have no choice but to inquire.”

I got into my car and drove to Jane’s apartment after Mom went to bed. I was there for a while. The intensity of my anger had reached a point where it was about to explode. It was after I had knocked on her door that I made the decision to wait. After a certain amount of time had elapsed, she eventually opened it at some point.

“Hello, sister,” Jane said out in a loud voice. Now that she had moved out of the way, I was able to enter the building freely.

I greeted her with a chilly tone and then took a peek around her living area before saying “Hello.” Everywhere you looked, you could notice empty shipment crates and tools. These items were scattered all over the place.

Do you have a project that you are currently working on? Inquiring about the mess was something I did by pointing at it.

Jane responded by saying, “Just some stuff for work.” However, you weren’t supposed to be here to talk about it, were you? Jane’s reaction was “just some stuff for work.”

The statement that I made was very straightforward: “Mom’s gold earrings are missing.”

Jane had her arms folded over her chest. Moreover, I am under the assumption that I was the one who took them. In no uncertain terms.

I told her that you were the only person who took the time to come see her today. “You were the only one.”

What might possibly urge me to steal her earrings out of her possession? The manner in which Jane enquired was one that was taken quite seriously.

One possible explanation for this is because you are on a low income. You can be experiencing this as a result of the fact that you have some extremely high expenses that require money. “I yelled at you to choose the one that you like the most.”

“As at this very moment, I am an employee! Are you even aware of the amount of things that I have done for this family? I have been very helpful to them. Retribution was taken by Jane.

You have not even taken a single step in this direction! I have complete authority over everything that is taking place! I let out a scream.

“Despite the fact that I instructed you to do so, you did not hire someone to work full-time for Mom!” Jane yelled out in frustration.

“Since I would be the one who would be responsible for that bill!” I said in answer. “Since I would be paying that bill!”

On the other hand, Jane was the one who made the comment that “You have no idea what is actually happening.”

On the other hand, I was adamant about it. “Let me know, then!”

Do I really have to do that? From from point forward, you will continue to hold me responsible for everything that happens around me!As Jane made her observation, she averted her gaze and said, “Let’s go. I have finished finishing this task.”

I responded by saying, “All right,” and then, once I had completed my task, I slammed the door shut against the door.

While I was making my way to my residence, Kaden was in the process of putting on his coat.

I inquired, “Where are you going?” which was my inquiry.”

After giving me a peck on the cheek and saying, “Just out for a walk,” Milo appeared to be collapsing. We have dinner stored in the refrigerator. After that, he separated himself from me and walked away. Our dinner was stored in the refrigerator.

In the end, we came to the conclusion that this was the best choice for our family. Because I spent the majority of my time either working or taking care of my mother, I did not have much time for anything else. Since Kaden stayed at home during his time as a father, we came to this conclusion.

Milo was able to reestablish the stability he needed because Kaden was at home. Despite the fact that he had a lot on his plate, Kaden was always willing to lend a helping hand to his mother. I was pretty grateful that he never did voice a complaint about the situation.

Mom continued to voice her displeasure with the fact that some things were missing over the course of the coming several weeks. She was upset that certain things were missing.

At first, I was under the impression that she was only bewildered; nevertheless, I quickly realized that she was also confused. There were a few items that were missing, such as jewelry and souvenirs. I was surprised to see that she was also perplexed.

When it occurred, it was always on the days that Jane was coming to visit. As a result of my unhappiness, I became upset. What was the reason why she was so focused on herself?

My ability to ignore it had reached its maximum, and my goal was to meet Jane in person. I traveled to her house and confronted her there. My target was to confront Jane in individual.

The door was opened by Jane, who then moved to the side and crossed her arms. “Are you here to accuse me of stealing once more?” she asked.” she inquired in a tone that was severe.

At the time that I was telling her, “Mom has lost more things,” I made an attempt to speak in a clear and consistent manner.

Do you also believe that I was the one who grabbed them? Would I do that? Jane’s eyebrows immediately lifted in response to this question.

Due to the fact that you have always been like this! Now that you’ve done this previously, I know that you’re in need of some cash! A temper tantrum erupted as a result of this.

It is recommended that you inquire about the situation with your husband if you are interested in gaining an understanding of what it is like to be in a position where you are in need of financial assistance.

Make sure that Kaden is not involved in this! I yelled out. “I can say with complete sincerity that he is the only person that assists me!”

Jane let out a chuckle and said, “If you are absolutely certain that you are in the right place, you should contact the authorities. Continue making progress and take action.”

It is my firm belief that I will!I let out a cry, and then I hurriedly left the room, slamming the door behind me. I did not wait for a response before leaving the room.

I came to the conclusion that installing surveillance cameras at my mother’s house would be a better option than calling the police.

At the very moment that I made the choice to buy a set of cameras, I drove back from the store with the purpose of capturing the individual who was stealing her belongings.

When I entered the house, I was somewhat startled to see Nancy standing there. She had just finished her shift a few hours before.

Where did you come from, and why are you here?I asked about the camera box that had been placed on the table, and it was presented to me.

The response that Nancy gave after she had finished drying her hands on the dish towel was, “Jane told me that she would pay me to work more hours so that you could get some rest.”

I strained my eyes and remarked, “That doesn’t sound like her.” I did this while squinting my eyes.

How come this is happening? When asked about it, Nancy responded, “She’s done it before,” while expressing a look of surprise on her face. I responded by saying, “She requested that I not tell you about it.”

Due to the fact that I was at a loss for words, I simply chose to stare at her. Despite the fact that I was unable to disprove Nancy’s allegation, it did not correlate to my idea of Jane. I found it to be quite interesting.

As soon as I had the cameras in my possession, I went ahead and set them up in the living room as well as in the bedroom of my mother.

After I had done, there was a stack of freshly received medical bills that were laying on the counter in the kitchen. As I glanced through them, I noticed that a lump was gathering in my throat, which was very painful. This was a really substantial sum of money.

No, it’s Nancy! I let out a scream. Do you have any previous experience dealing with bills of this nature? In the past, they had not been present at any point.

While Nancy was in the process of approaching, she gave the documents a quick perusal. Indeed, they do come once a month, as the answer indicates. Most of the time, Jane is the one who foots the bill for them.

The moment I heard what she had to say, my jaw dropped to the floor. I was beginning to come to terms with the fact that everything that was going on was part of a farce.

After a few days had passed, Mom called me from her bed, and her voice was trembling with fear. The information that she provided was, “My gold ring has been stolen.”

A knot formed in my stomach. Due to the presence of security cameras, a comprehensive investigation was required. The fact that I had kept them hidden from everyone, including my mother, meant that whoever was stealing them would be completely unaware of what they were concealing.

At the time that I was seated at the kitchen table, I used my laptop to locate the movie that I wanted to watch and then I played it. Despite the fact that I had been filming for a considerable amount of time, my heart was thumping really quickly.

Thereafter, I became conscious of Jane. When she was in Mom’s room, she was standing close to the dresser throughout her time there. The more I got closer to her, the more confident I became that I had effectively obtained her.

When she finally opened the jewelry box, she took a short glance inside before closing it again. My stomach was churning with rage. On the other hand, she shut the box and left it to its own devices without taking anything with her.

Fear took the place of the feeling of relief that had been present prior to the broadcast of the following video. Kaden finally showed up a couple of hours after the initial announcement.

Before he left, he went to the jewelry box, took out the gold ring that belonged to my mother, and put it in his pocket. He did this right before he left. When I was taken aback, I was rendered speechless.

As a result of my inability to take in what I was seeing, I found myself experiencing a state of frozenness. I had been laying the blame on Jane for a number of weeks before I finally came to the realization that I had been completely wrong the entire time. Although he was also my spouse, the thief was traveling with me at the time.

Once I had done taking the video, I was driving home with a racing mind. I was thinking about everything. When I arrived, Kaden was in the process of gathering his belongings, putting on his coat, and getting ready to leave and go somewhere else. By moving into position such that I was in front of him, I was able to block the door.

I declared, “I am completely aware of everything,” as my voice was shaking. “I am aware of everything.”

His expression suggested that he was perplexed. “What exactly are you talking about?”

During the time that I was holding the flash drive, I made a remark and said, “I am aware that you have been stealing from my mother.”

It seemed as if his face suddenly turned white. His voice was shaking as he asked the question, “Did Jane tell you?” his voice was shaking as he asked the question.

I was both confused and angry as I questioned, “What is it? Do not! Why would Jane choose to do so?” I was feeling both baffled and angry.

After taking a long, deep breath, Kaden proceeded to comb his hair. “Because I borrowed money from her,” she explained. After realizing the reason, she ceased providing me with financial assistance. I went so far as to deny her offer to pay for my rehabilitation expenses. It was then that she witnessed me stealing valuables from your mother.

It was as though someone had punched me in the stomach when I looked down. “I absolutely cannot believe this!” I responded.It is unforgivable that you would steal from my family and then lie to me. I screamed out, “Why is that?” I was shocked by your actions.

In the beginning, I gambled. Despite the fact that I continued to lose, I was convinced that I would be able to win it back. However, due to the rapid increase in the debt, I was unable to keep up with it. As he disclosed, “I borrowed more to cover the old ones,” his voice broke into a crack.

I let out a cry and asked, “Why would you do that? I thought that by spending time with Milo, you were demonstrating to him that you were the kind of father he required.” What you did, on the other hand, was to spend the money that Jane had, the goods that Mom had, and even my own money!

Under his breath, Kaden said, “I didn’t intend to cause anyone any harm with my words.”

During the time that you were concealed, you gave me license to attack her. I was so angry that I couldn’t contain my anger and proceeded by shouting, “And yet you didn’t stop me from blaming Jane.”

With a painful expression on his face, Kaden said, “I am aware of that.” He then went on to say, “I hate myself for it.” “I believe I am embarrassed.”

It was with a firm tone that I made the statement, “I want you to leave.”

“Are you interested in getting a divorce?” he asked.When he spoke, his voice was so barely audible that it was almost audible.
Certainly, I am not certain. Although I am aware of the fact that I am unable to look at you at this precise time, I am unable to do so. Next day, when I am at work, you should make sure that all of your belongings are packed. When I am ready to participate in a conversation, I will send you a text message.

A few tears began to spring up in his eyes as he gently shook his head in agreement. The words “I love you and Milo so much” were whispered by him as he walked away from Violet. “If you could please forgive me, Violet,” he said.

Immediately after the door was shut behind me, I started crying uncontrollably. After making sure that Milo was deep asleep, I drove to Jane’s house to check on both of them. I was relieved to see that they were both doing well.

At the moment that she answered the door, my voice was hardly audible, and it was only with tears flowing down my cheeks that I was able to utter the words, “I’m sorry.”

Instantaneously, Jane embraced me and proceeded to hold me in that embrace.

During the time that I was saying, “And thank you,” I burst into tears. “For everything,” I expressed, including the fact that you assisted Kaden.

When it comes to him, I did not do it,” Jane expressed her position. It was my pleasure to complete the assignment for you, Violet.

I begged you to forgive me, and I truly hope that you will.

What is the problem here? The words “I’ll be here for you no matter what” were whispered to me by Jane as she held me. I was able to hear her words.

First, you should share this tale with your friends, and then you should share your thoughts with us about what you think about it. Not only may it motivate them, but it also has the potential to make their day more enjoyable.


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