Cockroaches are the most terrifying insect to me, although I hate all bugs. You definitely don’t want to find cockroaches in your own house since they like to live in dark, wet, and chilly regions. Cockroaches are disgusting and annoying, and you’ve probably had enough of them in your basement, closets, and even beneath your kitchen sink. Fortunately, getting rid of cockroaches from your house doesn’t have to break the bank.
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The only ingredients are one egg yolk and three teaspoons of boric acid. Add the other ingredients and stir until a thick dough forms. Make small balls with the mixture using a spoon, then set them on wax or parchment paper to set aside. Just let them rest for a half an hour to dry.
Put the hardened balls in any area of your house where you have seen roaches. You should aim your efforts towards regions that are chilly, dark, and moist since roaches tend to congregate in these conditions. After ingesting the solution, the roaches will perish quickly. Keeping these dough balls out of the reach of dogs and young children is essential to preventing their inadvertent consumption.
If you see any signs of eggs deposited by the female cockroaches, you may need to do this process again. However, you should no longer have any cockroach problems in your house after only one or two rounds!