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Medical experts explain why kissing a deceased person is not advisable.

A Moldovan doctor has recently gone viral for a unique yet cautionary video about kissing… And it’s not what you’d expect.

Dr Viktor Ivanovik, who boasts nearly 300,000 TikTok followers, about the health risks of kissing deceased loved ones during farewells.

In the video, Ivanovik warns viewers, saying: “Never kiss the deceased!”

He explains that approximately nine hours after death, the body begins to decompose, releasing harmful bacteria. Kissing the deceased, according to Ivanovik, could lead to a loss of smell due to exposure to these bacteria.

His video has sparked a wave of reactions online.

Many viewers had not previously considered the potential risks of bacterial exposure. Others, however, shared personal experiences.

One viewer emotionally stated: “I kissed my father and would do it a million times over! I can lose taste and smell, he is my father!”

Dr. Ivanovik’s message shows that there’s a delicate balance between cultural traditions and health concerns. Many people engage in such rituals as a final act of respect and closure for their loved ones, often unaware of the potential dangers.

Though, for many, the comfort of saying goodbye to a loved one in a personal way outweighs potential health concerns. This creates a wider conversation around the need for cultural sensitivity when addressing such topics, particularly when long-standing traditions are involved.

Ivanovik’s TikTok video has opened a new discussion on social media, encouraging viewers to be mindful of the potential risks while also acknowledging the deeply personal nature of farewells.

Through his video, Dr. Ivanovik has raised awareness about the importance of understanding health risks associated with common practices, showing that even in moments of grief and loss, health and safety should not be overlooked.


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