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Man hikes to the CIA’s “top secret”

A YouTuber named Brent Underwood, known as Ghost Town Living, embarked on a dangerous hike in Death Valley to explore the wreckage of a CIA spy plane, the Grumman SA-16A Albatross. The plane crashed in 1952 after one of its engines failed during a training mission, causing all six crew members to abandon it. While the crew survived, the plane remains wrecked on a steep slope in Death Valley. Despite the harsh conditions, Underwood managed to reach the crash site, where he found the wreckage both surprisingly intact and heavily damaged. Some parts, like the plane’s underside, are almost perfectly preserved, while others are scattered across the site. The wreck also showed signs of being tampered with by other visitors, including missing pieces like an I.D. plate. Underwood reflected on the delicate balance between “trash” and “treasure” in such an environment.

The plane’s wreckage is perched precariously on the hillside, making exploration dangerous. Commenters on Underwood’s video praised his bravery, with some expressing concern over the risk he took. His fearless approach to exploration highlights the thrill and danger of uncovering forgotten historical sites, despite the potential dangers involved.

The SA-16A Albatross still lies wrecked on a hillside in Death Valley (YouTube/Ghost Town Living)


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